Welcome to the March 2024 edition of Compaction Catch Up, our monthly update on how the business is doing. We aim to show off our production capabilities as well as our superb team.
- Ashley and Stuart, two of our Mobile Engineers joined some of the manufacturing team on a one-day Electrical Safety Refresher Course run by Ted Barret from Tinson training. We organise these training sessions to ensure our engineers are competent and well-trained.
- Our defibrillator was needed for an emergency, we are registered on The Circuit (the national defib network) so emergency services knew we had one and guided the first aider to us. Luckily the situation didn’t require the defib and the casualty was taken to hospital.
- We have been updating our website again, this time we are adding a Meet the Team page so that you can put a face to the names. We will be continuing to update this over the next couple of months

This month has been a bit boring for news, everyone has been working hard to get the orders built and installed. And things generally went smoothly.
- Our engineers have serviced 139 balers and compactors this month.
- We installed 20 compactors and balers this month across 13 sites.
- We did 1 LOLER this month and no training sessions but we have had to use a couple of our field engineers in the workshop to cover holidays.
- We have delivered all the compactors for one of the large orders we received at the beginning of the year, this has helped bring our lead times down slightly.
- We installed a double-sided open hopper static this month, the company needed a bin lift for 1100l bins and to be able to tip from a forklift as well.
- A retail company we have supplied several small balers for in the past has expanded further with the opening of another shop and came to us for another refurbished baler.
- If you cast your mind back six months we built and installed a bright red Static Compactor with a Dolav Bin Lift, we serviced it for the first time this month and other than the normal lubrication and minor adjustments everything was running smoothly and the operators have found it easy to use.